Blog articles and background texts – what’s the difference?

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The Internet is dynamically expanding its content pool every day. Although blog articles constitute a significant part, background texts also take up a fraction of the space. So the questions arise – why are different types of content created? What is the difference between blog articles and background texts? Which is more profitable to invest in? If you want to know the answer, read this article!

Blog articles and background texts

Both types of content are relatively similar, although they serve different purposes. With this, their tone changes, as does the price per 1,000 characters.

In the past, background texts were considered inferior content because they were intended to saturate the back-end page to increase its value and strengthen positioning. However, nothing groundbreaking can be said about the past of blog articles – they accompanied the beginnings of the Internet and were written by both amateurs and professional writers. However, it is worth knowing that in recent years the number of publications has been growing exponentially, and with this the attention of readers is becoming more and more valuable.

To answer the question of the difference between a blog article and a background text, we need to define their basic features and purpose.

Blog articles

Blog articles are thematic contents posted on a blog website.

They are universal and are used to achieve many marketing goals. They may therefore differ from each other and, therefore, bring different results.

  1. Firstly, valuable articles build the company’s image and also strengthen positioning by displaying the text in the search engine. For this reason, they are a basic tool in content marketing, where companies compete with each other by publishing professional and thematic content.
  2. Secondly, they are used to sell their products or services. Blog articles are a great solution to gain the reader’s trust with specialized information and then present your offer.
  3. Thirdly, sponsored articles build relationships with other companies, further strengthening the positioning and promoting the company among new groups of recipients.

The model blog article is interesting, clear and full of reliable information. Its function is to respond to the needs of users. Therefore, the main measure of its effectiveness is usability.

Background texts

These are articles intended for the back-end web pages, which supports the company’s SEO activities through linking.

Thhe credibility of the home page increases as a result of this, which translates into higher positions in Google.

There are many myths and discussions surrounding this type of content. It is true that their quality has increased in recent years. This is because search engines mainly promote the best articles. Only such materials gain value in the eyes of algorithms – therefore, background texts must be characterized by an attractive form and informative character.

Differences between background text and blog articles

Wait a minute… so what is the difference between background text and a regular blog article? You could say nothing. Both must be valuable content to achieve their marketing goals. Any loss in quality will affect the results, so in theory the only difference is the place of publication: the first one goes to the back-end website, the second one to the blog.

In practice, the situation is still different – copywriters do not devote their valuable time to analyzing textbooks and research for a lower fee when creating “background materials”. That’s why blog articles still dominate in terms of quality, because they are better paid, intended for a larger group of recipients, and often bear the author’s signature. These purely human factors determine that background texts do not reach the level of professional blog content.

In theory, the only difference is the place of publication: the first text goes to the backend, and the second to the blog.

Of course, these are only generalizations imposed by the external, current situation on the copywriting market. Many blog articles leave much to be desired, and some background texts contain really interesting and comprehensive information. Ultimately, everything depends on the skills and tenacity of the copywriter.


  • Blog articles are high-quality content that build SEO and brand image, as well as engage readers and promote the company’s offer.
  • In turn, background texts are informative content that is used primarily for positioning.
  • Although both types require professionalism to ensure effectiveness, the market has its own rules. A copywriter usually pays more attention to the attractiveness of blog articles, leaving the background texts with simple information and an SEO structure.

The ContentWriter copywriting agency assumes that work must always be done thoroughly to bring results. So if you need professional background texts or valuable blog articles, contact us!

Toyin Emmanuel

I am a creative & seasoned writer who has an internationally recognized flair for weaving keywords to produce engaging and informative content. I believe that written and analytical skills are fundamental to a website's success and possess top-notch prowess in Search Engine Optimization(SEO), WordPress, and Google Analytics and how they apply to content creation. In addition to being a successful writer on Upwork, I also hold various certifications from respected platforms(like Udemy and Coursera) so you can be confident in working with a professional Web Content Writer and Copywriter.

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