SEO copywriting examples – principles of content positioning

Nowadays, the ability to write in accordance with search engine guidelines is essential to bring profits to your company via content marketing. This is why it is difficult to find a copywriter whose knowledge does not include SEO-related issues nowadays. So if you don’t know the basics of SEO, be sure to read this article! This time, instead of just theory, we will check what specific examples of SEO copywriting look like.
SEO copywriting – examples
It is not difficult to find examples of SEO copywriting – just enter any article that appears in the initial position in the search engine. The more general the key phrase is, the more confidently you can rely on such a text.
When creating SEO text, plugins like YoastSEO can be helpful as they monitor whether the content meets their guidelines.
Unfortunately, the final result may leave much to be desired, because the article is verified by robots, which affects the quality and naturalness of the text. However, let’s check the most important assumptions of the proposed SEO principles in practice.
The title, which is also the most important H1 heading, should contain the key phrase for which you intend to position the text.

In the case of the above article, it is easy to guess that the keyword is “history of copywriting”. There is no point in messing with the title – it must be clear and transparent to readers.
It is worth mentioning the photo, which must be interesting and thematically related to the article. Perhaps it will allow you to get some traffic from the “graphics”, so you need to take care of this element.
There are no specific SEO copywriting rules for introductions. However, this place is a great opportunity to place the keyword first.

The basis of good SEO text is of great value. The information must be useful to be displayed to a larger audience. Therefore, the core content, which is the body, does not contain any golden rules. It just has to be valuable.
The summary is another element where you can neatly place key phrases. Again, you can resort to phrases like “We hope that in this article we have explained to you how to fold a tent.” It is also a good idea to include a Q&A, which offers natural placement of many keyword combinations.
The ending can also be presented concisely and simply, briefly summarizing the entire article along with the phrase.

Is every SEO copywriting example successful?
Remember that the effectiveness of positioning is influenced by many factors that go beyond the layout of content and the use of key phrases. The age of the domain and link profile play an important role, so writing in accordance with SEO guidelines maximizes opportunities, but does not ensure top positions.
Therefore, you should conscientiously apply the above rules, especially if you are serious about becoming a copywriter. We, as writers, do not guarantee success for companies, but we do our best to ensure that content meets its marketing goals.
- In the above article, we discussed some simple rules related to creating text for positioning.
- It is certainly worth exploring the topic further to gain more complete knowledge and create effective content that will gain visibility in the search engine.
- We hope that the presented SEO copywriting examples will be helpful to you!
The tips on creating viral content were incredibly insightful.