How to write creatively – 5 effective tips

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Want to learn to write in a creative way? Create original, interesting texts? Invent something out of nothing, something your own and unique? Creation is one of the most basic skills, deeply rooted in every person. Awaken the creator in you and learn to write creative texts with the help of the following tips.

Get inspired by others

Even the most creative person in the world draws from what they already know when creating. The more inspiration you absorb, the more of the world you learn about, the easier it will be to write creatively.

So learn to feed your inner life and imagination, and the following will help you:

  • Books – if you want to write well, you have to read a lot. There are no shortcuts. Find “your” kind of literature and truly love reading. When books become your passion, you will be surprised at how easily writing will come to you.
  • Music, art, film – they are extremely effective in stimulating creativity because they speak to the subconscious and imagination. Transport yourself to the world of dreams by contemplating abstract painting. Close your eyes, listen carefully to a song and imagine a music video for it. Watch an ambitious film and fantasize about the fates of the characters. Active, participatory absorption of art forces your mind to creative effort.
  • Travel – it is not for nothing that they say that it teaches. Every place you see is a new experience, new potential inspiration and food for dreams.
  • Interesting people – there is something unique and inspiring in every person. The more different people you meet, the more different worldviews you meet and the more true stories you listen to, the broader your horizons will become. Life is always the best inspiration.

Turn off your inner critic

Self-criticism is bad for creativity because it can cause you to cross out an interesting idea at the start. Remember that the time for selection and editing comes after writing the text or completing the task.

In the initial phase of creation, an open mind brings better results. So write down all the ideas that come to your mind and don’t be afraid of the less conventional ones.

Learn to Relax

The best ideas come to a relaxed, calm mind. That’s why a very good writing routine is to take a moment to relax before you start working and not to write under stress.

How you relax is up to you. Choose your favorite method: calming music, meditation, a walk, dancing, a nap, yoga…

Practice creativity

Sounds trivial… but how do you actually do it? Realize that your brain requires the same exercise as your muscles to stay fit. Only a well-trained mind can handle the effort that creative writing undoubtedly involves.

Here are some suggestions for activities that will stimulate your creativity:

  • Games and activities that stimulate linguistic creativity – i.e. Scrabble, Literaki, Dixit, Charades, crosswords… All games that involve an element of inventing something, telling a story, expand your vocabulary, require efficient association. You can play some with friends, others will provide you with entertainment on a lonely evening. Combining pleasure with utility.
  • Learning foreign languages ​​- in addition to the obvious practical benefits, knowledge of languages ​​​​gives a number of benefits to your mind. Learning words strengthens your linguistic skills, and learning grammar rules exercises linguistic intuition. But most importantly, to master any foreign language permanently and fluently, you need to engage your imagination – memorizing won’t do you any good, you need to associate new words with their English equivalents, draw them, arrange them into a rhyme…

You need to approach language learning creatively if you want to have lasting results. And that improves your overall creative and language skills.

  • Composing music or painting – and any other creative activity, even unrelated to language and writing. Break through and create something out of nothing: compose a song, paint a picture, make a plaster figurine, but also change the decorations in your room and compose a bouquet of wild flowers. Awaken the creator and creator of reality in you, and the imagination thus awakened will help you write interesting, original texts.
  • Reading and interpreting poetry – or maybe writing poems? Try it! Poetry is the most creative and most immersed in language form of literary work. Nothing will stimulate your linguistic imagination as much as communion with it. So try to read one selected poem every day. And then try to interpret its meaning and look at the techniques used by the author.

You don’t have to wonder if your interpretation is ‘correct’ at all, nor do you have to recall stylistic devices from English lessons. The most important thing is to examine the poem yourself, to extract from it what is intriguing and interesting for you.

  • Coming up with jokes – this inconspicuous exercise is quite a workout for the mind. It’s not easy to come up with something that will make others laugh and be interesting. A joke has to be creative, because its purpose is, among other things, to surprise the recipient – ​​hackneyed jokes don’t make anyone laugh. Take up the challenge and next time, instead of repeating a joke you’ve heard somewhere, treat your interlocutor to a joke you’ve already invented yourself. Or maybe play a stand-up comedian in front of the bathroom mirror and create a longer, comic monologue or scene?
  • Writing for your own use and pleasure – enjoy writing in your proverbial drawer: a journal, short stories, novels, random thoughts. Start a notebook where you can write down all your thoughts without fear of being judged. The more often you do something, the more proficient you are at it, and writing is no different. This will help you catch your writer’s ‘flow’, gain lightness and fluency.

Have fun

Creativity and imagination are qualities that most children have, but many adults lose them at some point in their lives.

This is no coincidence – while we associate knowledge and intellect with seriousness, creativity is rather lightness, fun, freedom, lack of restrictions, freedom of thought. To write creatively, you have to awaken your inner child. Learn to perceive writing less intellectually and less task-oriented, and see the creative process as a wonderful, unlimited adventure.

The reader will sense whether your text was written with pleasure, and this pleasure will be passed on to them. The secret of creative writing is to treat this process with passion and curiosity.


  1. Read a lot, learn, stimulate your imagination and seek inspiration.
  2. Support your creativity with specially designed exercises, games and fun.
  3. Relax, don’t be too critical of your own ideas, keep an open mind and have fun writing.

Olayinka Oni

I am a versatile content writer and copywriter with over 3 years of intense work experience. In addition to writing marketing copies, website contents, articles, blogposts, UI/UX contents, product descriptions, social media contents, and landing pages, I'm also skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), digital marketing, and business development.

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