M-commerce – what it is and how it is different from e-commerce

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The popularity of mobile devices is constantly growing, which is what encourages entrepreneurs to implement numerous changes in their online stores. There is something to fight for – mobile sales are an opportunity to acquire new customers and generate more sales. And although m-commerce is a part of online trade, the rules of the game are slightly different here. We invite you to read!

What is m-commerce?

M-commerce, also known as mobile commerce, is one of the areas of e-commerce in which mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, play an important role.

The development of this branch of e-commerce allows you to make purchases from anywhere on earth, without having to use a laptop or desktop computer. All you need is Internet access and a smartphone, and these days we rarely part with our phones.

M-commerce includes: shopping in e-shops, mobile banking, digital wallets such as Apple Pay, paying bills, and also subscribing to various services, such as Spotify.

This is a great convenience for us, consumers – in just a few moments we can not only check our social media and reply to an email, but also make a bank transfer, buy a new lamp and pay for coffee with a virtual wallet.

Difference between m-commerce and e-commerce

Simply put, m-commerce is included in the broader concept of e-commerce. Mobile commerce is one of the branches of e-commerce, which concerns only shopping activities carried out on smartphones and tablets. Due to the different type of device, mobile commerce differs significantly from computer commerce and should be approached differently.

First of all, it is worth remembering that making purchases on a phone can be more cumbersome, compared to a computer. A smaller screen and touch keyboard certainly do not make it easier to browse products and fill out long forms regarding personal data, delivery address, registration, etc. The owner of the website should therefore ensure that this activity is as ‘bearable’ for the customer as possible..

On mobile devices, the user can make a purchase via a website or via a mobile application. Let’s take Konga as an example – we can use the store’s website by entering the address in the search engine, but downloading the application to the phone will make things much easier for us if we often shop there. As a logged-in user, we do not have to fill out a long form every time – all data is saved in our account.

A significant difference is the mobility of smartphones and tablets. We can use them practically anywhere – using public transport, waiting in line or walking in the forest. This gives us the opportunity to make a purchase from any corner of the world, at any time.

Another important issue is the interface. The one dedicated to computers is not suitable for use on mobile devices, so it is absolutely necessary to ensure the responsiveness of the site. As a result of this, your website will be displayed correctly on all devices.

What should be taken care of when implementing m-commerce?

  1. Convenient mobile menu – its correct size and arrangement should be taken care of. Efficient movement between categories and the ability to return to the home page with one click are also important.
  2. Appropriate size of buttons – buttons should be large enough for the user to easily click on them.
  3. Search engine in a visible place – it will significantly facilitate the process of searching for an interesting product.
  4. Proper use of available space – the view of the store available to the user cannot be overloaded with content. It is worth taking care of the proper presentation of the available assortment.
  5. Convenient filtering – will allow the customer to browse specific products, thus making it easier to navigate the website.
  6. Mobile gestures – reducing and enlarging images using your fingers will certainly contribute to a positive shopping experience.
  7. Multi-step basket completion – on mobile devices it is good to divide the shopping process into several steps, e.g. personal data -> delivery address -> payment methods -> summary -> order completion, instead of one, long form.

Benefits of using m-commerce in an online store

The ability to make purchases via mobile devices is a very important issue if we run an online store. What benefits can we expect from implementing m-commerce?

  • increasing sales,
  • positive brand image,
  • more customers,
  • better conversion,
  • consumer satisfaction,
  • possibility of precise personalization,
  • greater customer loyalty,
  • fewer abandoned baskets.


  1. M-commerce is one of the areas of e-commerce in which mobile devices, such as phones or tablets, play an important role.
  2. Due to the different type of device, mobile commerce differs significantly from computer commerce and must be approached differently.
  3. The ability to make purchases via mobile devices results in, among other things, increased sales, higher customer loyalty and satisfaction, as well as fewer abandoned carts.

Oluwaseun Bakare

l am a Direct Response Copywriter with over 4 years experience in writing engaging and conversion driven content. Apart from writing content for websites such as blog articles and website management, l also enjoy swimming and binging on Netflix films.

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