Microcopy – what is it and when should you use it?

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Copywriters are constantly expanding the scope of their services to ensure that professional content goes wherever it should. One of such activities is today’s topic – so let’s discuss what microcopy is and where it is used.

What is microcopy?

Microcopy is short information that appears on a website to help users carry out specific actions. This content includes all annotations, entries, instructions and comments.

So far, texts were formulated directly by programmers. Unfortunately, technical jargon does not necessarily contribute to a deeper understanding of the matter. For larger companies that take care of every detail, copywriters offer their help.

The task of microcopy is to formulate understandable messages with users in mind. Such behavior is an element of UX writing and plays a special role in large projects that will be used by a large group of recipients.

When to use microcopy?

Creating clear messages is basically beneficial for every company. If the user has a lot of autonomy on the website and has to perform several actions, usually a lot of content needs to be developed so that he does not get lost in the thicket of information.


Ordering a service online may require users to perform a number of actions. Creating a profile, logging in or filling out a form are procedures that may cause doubts or difficulties. To avoid unnecessary problems, it is worth using microcopy, adding helpful messages that explain what should be entered in a given field.

Therefore, microcopy is particularly beneficial for large sales platforms and systems, not to mention government projects. However, it is easy to conclude that for extensive portals, adding such tips is very time-consuming, which is an additional reason to hire a micro-copywriter.

There is no point in limiting yourself – professional tips, messages and slogans are a solution for every company that cares about quality and reputation. A copywriter is a person who is prepared for this type of tasks, so it is worth considering cooperation in UX writing. This will affect both user convenience and the company’s reputation.

Microcopy – benefits

When designing websites, it is true to say that you should do something once and do it right. A one-time investment covering all the details will save you problems in the future. Microcopy has a positive impact on a company’s image and eliminates errors that are not understood by recipients.

Professional hints, messages and slogans are a solution for every company that cares about quality and reputation.

If messages are not defined, they often appear automatically in English or in a programming language, or worse – a general ERROR pops up with no indication of the cause of the problem. It is easy to guess that in such a situation, potential customers are more likely to leave the store than try to fix the mistake. Microcopy can translate into overall sales by eliminating any imperfections in the system – and there will always be such imperfections.


  1. Microcopy involves creating concise content that makes it easier for users to perform actions on the website. Messages are concise, understandable and tailored to the nature of the company.
  2. This is a must-have for large stores and portals, but attention to detail is beneficial for any website.
  3. Focusing on quality ultimately translates into easier achievement of the company’s marketing goals.

Oluwaseun Bakare

l am a Direct Response Copywriter with over 4 years experience in writing engaging and conversion driven content. Apart from writing content for websites such as blog articles and website management, l also enjoy swimming and binging on Netflix films.

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