SMART method – a way to set goals effectively

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Many companies struggle with unresolved issues or unfulfilled plans. Of course, the reasons vary, but most of these situations can be avoided. However, it is essential to set clear and specific goals. This may seem like a tedious and difficult undertaking, but by using the SMART method, we will be able to do it without any problems. We invite you to read on!

SMART method – definition

The SMART principle is one of the project management concepts that concerns planning and setting goals.

As an English word, the abbreviation S.M.A.R.T means ‘clever/wise’.

By following the SMART principle guidelines, we can easily set appropriate priorities and methods for their implementation.

What does the SMART method involve?

Based on it, we can write a detailed action plan, specify the amount of resources it requires and continuously monitor the tasks performed.

It is also an acronym for English words describing the features that a well-formulated goal should meet:

  • S – Specific – it must be specific, clear and understandable.


  • M – Measurable – it should be formulated in such a way that the degree of its implementation can be easily measured, preferably numerically.


  • A – Achievable – possible to achieve, because too high can weaken our faith in its implementation.


  • R – Relevant – the goal must be important, the people implementing it should identify with it.
  • T – Time-bound – must have a specific deadline imposed on it.

    Over time, the SMART method was expanded to SMARTER, in which the last 2 letters mean:

  • E – Exciting – the goal should arouse enthusiasm so that the team is as committed as possible to its implementation.
  • R – Recorded – this is evidence of taking action to achieve the goal.

Creating plans in the company

Unfortunately, practice shows that priorities in companies are often unclear and imprecisely defined. As a result of such actions, the tasks carried out do not bring the desired results, but only frustration for the people involved.

Therefore, when we decide to manage using the SMART method, let’s remember these simple rules:

At the very beginning, we should explain to employees and business partners what we are doing and why, and what the process involves.

Then, let’s define the goals and the path to achieving them, which will be an exciting challenge for our team.

SMART method-compliant goal – example

So much for the theory, but what does the implementation of this principle look like in practice? Let’s analyze it with a simple example:

  • Goal: We want to achieve greater profits in our company.Unfortunately, there are no specifics here that would help implement the idea. This is just a general idea, without any action plan.

    However, applying our rule, it should look like this:

  • Goal: We want to increase profits by 20% by the end of this year. To do this, we need to acquire 5 new customers from the Premium sector by the end of this half-year.

    Of course, we have presented it in a very simplified way, but the above example perfectly reflects the meaning of using this method.

Planning activities based on the SMART method should therefore take place in three simple steps:

  1. We specify our intention.
  2. We describe the path of implementation.
  3. We define the time frame.


  • The SMART method is one of the project management concepts that concerns planning and defining goals.
  • Remember that priorities that are too general, difficult to achieve and spread out over time will not bring us the expected satisfaction.
  • Only sticking to previously discussed and then designating tasks will lead our undertaking to the desired goal.

Mabel Onyeachonam

I am a professional content writer with specialties in web articles, blogposts, guest posts, advertisements, and SEO articles, across varieties of niches. I help brands create more awareness about their existing products and services, using top-ranking SEO contents. Asides writing, I love to cook, read novels, and care for pets.

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