Product descriptions from manufacturers and issues with SEO

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Many online stores, especially those operating within drop-shipping, import the assortment from the manufacturer along with product descriptions. This way, they quickly secure content for their websites. However, the question arises whether this practice is effective and contributes to increased positioning. In this article we will shed more light on this issue.

What influences the effects of SEO texts?

For content to be visible in the search engine, it must meet a number of quality requirements. These include:

  • reliability of information;
  • transparent structure;
  • use of key phrases;
  • uniqueness.

Each of these factors must be met to achieve results on Google and indeed other search engines. However, as it turns out, the last one is the biggest problem in the case of ready-made descriptions from manufacturers.

Product descriptions from manufacturers and positioning

If the manufacturer grants a non-exclusive license to use its product descriptions, any store or wholesaler may use them in their own home.

This means that potentially several websites use exactly the same content, which does not meet the basic SEO requirement – uniqueness.

Therefore, a user who searches for a product on Google will be shown a number of websites (including the manufacturer’s own), and any way to stand out from the competition will be significantly difficult. How to deal with this? Using individually written product descriptions!

Unique product descriptions are the basis of SEO

Creating descriptions from scratch is difficult and time-consuming, but it pays off in the form of business results. Thanks to these unique contents, the online store will not only start positioning, but will also increase the effectiveness of the offer and the professionalism of the brand.

So if there is a choice whether to copy the descriptions from the manufacturer or rewrite them, we strongly recommend the latter solution.

Although it takes time or money, there are no shortcuts to effective marketing. Solid, unique content is the basis for increasing sales in an online store – and unfortunately, manufacturer’s descriptions cannot provide this.

Lordson Okpetu

I'm many things rolled into one; I'm an ex-journalist, a content strategist, digital marketer and 'rockstar' direct response copywriter. I've written tons of copies to sell thousands of products and services across diverse industries in Nigeria. In my occasional spare time, I play chess or spend time with my family. I am the Chief Operating Officer of Content Writer, Nigeria.

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