Useful Chrome plugins – for copywriters and more!

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A small change in final touches can save a lot of time. For copywriters and even normal internet users, the available Google Chrome browser plugins are frequently described as game changers! Learn about time management, grammar improvement, and writing facilitation tools. The suggested remedies are similar to increasing work productivity. Learn about helpful Chrome plugins!

What is Chrome plug-ins?

Google Chrome plugins are extensions that enrich Google Chrome browser with extra functions.

Installed modules can be used to, among other things, prevent advertisements, manage passwords, fill out forms automatically, translate web pages, download files, and edit photographs. The majority of Chrome plug-ins are intended to increase your productivity at work. Using plugins, you may customize your browsing experience and adjust your browser to your specific preferences.

Installed modules can help e.g. in blocking ads, managing passwords, autofilling forms, translating web pages, downloading files and processing photos. A significant portion of Chrome plug-ins are designed to help you be more productive while you work. Plugins allow you to personalize your personal browsing experience and tailor your browser to your individual preferences.

Important Chrome plugins

Keywords everywhere

You may examine the search engine query by using the Keywords everywhere plugin.

On the right-hand side of your screen, you can see the current search’s trend, which provides information on the term’s current and historical popularity. Less notice is given to crucial phrases associated with sought-after hashes as well as results that are favorable to popularity. The use of Keywords Everywhere enables the exportation of all data to a standalone version of Excel. Why is this plugin so important? Since keywords are a constant component of copywriting and internet positioning specialists’ practices.


Among the most widely used plugins among experts in website positioning is SEOquake. The module gives the user access to a variety of data, enabling a fundamental SEO audit. A website’s compliance with the search engine’s rules is evaluated through a website analysis. Keyword density and Google-indexed subpages are both examined by SEOQuake.


LanguageTool is a plugin that watches over the correct usage of language in your contents.

The plugin analyzes the entered text and detects any linguistic inaccuracies. An English alternative is the Grammarly plugin popular among content creators. It is worth remembering, however, that the tool is imperfect and although it copes relatively well with obvious errors, many of them are not recorded.

Session Buddy

A copywriter’s work is inextricably linked to the numerous open tabs on their browser. Websites that assist you in your job are frequently disabled when your computer is turned off or when a sudden hardware problem occurs. You can keep a record of your browser session by using the Session Buddy plugin. As a result, you may restore all tabs with a single click and carry on writing content.


OneTab is a plug-in that improves both your productivity and your computing experience! The installed module will relieve the RAM used by dozens of open websites. The extension allows you to save all pages as a list with a single click. At a later stage, you can freely manage links and remove individual items.


With only one click with the GoFullPage plugin, you can take a screenshot of your entire website.

Orders for copywriters frequently demand that a particular image or screenshot of the written material be sent. You may then save it in PNG, JPG, or PDF format using the plugin. Copywriters frequently draw ideas from pages that have been captured. You can practically store sources that are useful for writing texts by taking screenshots.

Increase your own productivity

There are several plug-ins available in the Chrome Web Store that can increase your productivity at work. The suggested modules are aimed at those who care about efficient time management and raising general productivity.

Chrome productivity add-ons include:

  • BlockSite. a browser extension that restricts specific websites, such as social networking
  • Toggl Track – a feature that lets you keep track of the time spent on various tasks.
  • StayFocusd – a plugin that enables you to manage how much time you spend on time-sucking websites. Blocking specific webpages and even specific content (videos, photos, forms, etc.) is another capability.


  • Plugins for Google Chrome are extensions that enrich your browser with additional functions.
  • Keywords Everywhere plugin allows you to analyze the phrase entered into the search engine.
  • SEOquake provides the user with a range of information, enabling them to perform a basic SEO audit.
  • LanguageTool analyzes the entered text and detects any linguistic inaccuracies.
  • The most popular productivity plugins are BlockSite, Toggl Track and StayFocusd.

Lordson Okpetu

I'm many things rolled into one; I'm an ex-journalist, a content strategist, digital marketer and 'rockstar' direct response copywriter. I've written tons of copies to sell thousands of products and services across diverse industries in Nigeria. In my occasional spare time, I play chess or spend time with my family. I am the Chief Operating Officer of Content Writer, Nigeria.

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