Content re-purposing – key to effective use of content

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In the modern world, haste is surely our constant friend. It indicates that we frequently run out of time to produce fresh content, like a blog. Repurposing content, or content reuse, is helpful in this situation. We will explain what it is and how to use it in this article.

What is content re-purposing?

Repurposed content is a marketing tactic that enables you to improve current resources to broaden user engagement and reach.

This approach’s main component is the content’s adaptability to numerous formats and communication channels, which enables reaching a larger audience.

The premise behind repurposing information is that quality content may be presented in a variety of ways, allowing you to cater to the various needs and tastes of consumers. Additionally, this technique eliminates the need to start from scratch and saves time and money.

  • Making a blog post into a video  – Well-liked blog posts can be made into engaging videos that will captivate visitors and draw in new ones.
  • Converting a presentation into an infographic – if you have a valuable presentation, you can use its key points and transform them into an infographic that will be visually attractive and easily digestible for users.
  • Making a podcast episode out of an interview – If you’ve conducted a fascinating interview, think about doing a podcast episode based on it. This will help you reach listeners. You may even turn your podcast episodes into blog posts if you want to.
  • Making a series of posts for social media – Longer articles can be broken up into smaller pieces, and then a series of posts on various social media platforms can be made from them. They will promote your brand and engage customers.

You can quickly broaden the audience for your products and the level of engagement among customers by employing repurposed content. This is particularly crucial in the modern era, when businesses must employ a range of techniques in order to succeed in the field of content marketing due to the intense rivalry for users’ attention.

How to use repurposed content

You can use repurpose content by:

Analyzing your existing content:

  • decide which material is the most well-liked and interesting by looking at statistics like the amount of views, shares, or comments;
  • Pay close attention to material that is current, worthwhile, and still applicable to your target audience.

Definition of formats:

  • select formats that will appeal to and be useful to your target audience while taking into account their traits;
  • to address the demands of various audience segments and broaden the reach of your content, keep their variety in mind.

Creating new content:

  • adapt material to chosen formats while considering their specifics and recipients’ expectations;
  • Keep in mind to uphold the brand’s consistency and the ideals it expresses in the material.


  • Use a variety of communication channels to spread the word about your content instead of sticking to one;
  • To keep your activities consistent and regular, make a publication and promotion calendar.

Performance monitoring:

  • utilize analytical tools to track the outcomes of your repurposed content, such as views, comments, shares, or conversions;
  • Analyze the outcomes and utilize the data to improve your strategy and make future plans.

By following these guidelines, you can use your repurposed content strategy to expand the audience for your material, engage your target market, and improve the market position of your business.

Always keep your plan up to date, evaluate the results, and tailor your efforts to your audience’s shifting requirements and expectations.


  • Repurposed content is a marketing strategy that changes current content into new formats.
  • The use of repurpose content consists in analyzing existing and creating new content, defining formats, promotion and monitoring results.
  • This saves time, resources and builds brand authority in the eyes of recipients.
  • Examples of repurpose content include converting blog articles into videos, converting presentations into infographics, etc.
  • The key to success in repurpose content is perfecting the strategy, analyzing the results and adapting activities to the needs and expectations of Internet users.

Lordson Okpetu

I'm many things rolled into one; I'm an ex-journalist, a content strategist, digital marketer and 'rockstar' direct response copywriter. I've written tons of copies to sell thousands of products and services across diverse industries in Nigeria. In my occasional spare time, I play chess or spend time with my family. I am the Chief Operating Officer of Content Writer, Nigeria.

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